Registration/Plate Cancellation

Need to cancel your vehicle registration/licence plate?

If you need to cancel your vehicle registration/licence plate, you are entitled to any amount remaining from the original registration fee minus a $10 (plus GST) government administration fee.

PLEASE NOTE: The $ 9.00 service fee is for our processing fee – non-refundable whether there is a government refund or not.

Do you also need to cancel your Alberta Driver Licence for a refund?

How do you cancel a plate/vehicle registration?

this service can be done online or in store

Please download the form and provide the following:

Download Form

  • Scan/photocopy and send us the valid driver’s licence or valid passport identification page that matches the registrant’s name.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are the registered owner and are sending someone in on your behalf for this service, you must fill in the ‘Authorization for Services’ on the downloadable form below, allowing your representative to complete this service for you.


PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to send us the actual Plate(s) for cancellation. If you can destroy the plate(s) so it is not usable, you can then check mark on the form ‘destroyed’ to save you postage fees.

For online service: If you are ordering online, please email us the above documentation along with the payment receipt number (emailed to you once you complete the payment online).


Price: $9.00

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